Video: Gospel and Homily (in Aramaic) of the 2nd Sunday of the Apostle According to the Kaldean Calendar by Fr. Noel Gorgis June 12, 2017
In order to build a rising future for our Chaldean generations, Bible Study and Chaldean Language classes are held at St John’s Church in El Cajon, CA June 8, 2017
Schedule of Activities of Chaldean parishioners at St. John’s Church (rented) in El Cajon, San Diego May 28, 2017
Chaldeans from El Cajon are proud to share their culture at the “America on Main Street” Festival May 22, 2017
The Apostolic Administrator, sent by His Holiness the Pope, bends down in front of the dancer, to receive the Medal of “Hubba w-Shlama” for his efforts in dividing the faithful as said: I came here to build & to fix. (With all respect to the Dance Instructor and to the Academy). April 23, 2017
Video: Resurrection Eve Traditional High Chaldean Mass (in Aramaic), offered by Fr. Noel Gorgis April 17, 2017