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Chaldeans are recently going through a hard time due to the intersection between their legitimate strategic ethnic goals (being the indigenous people of Iraq) with the agendas of the religious and secular leaders. Therefore, we have to emphasize that we respect the status of those who respect the Chaldean Nation’s history and heritage, especially the spiritual/moral and our deep and rich culture. However, our principles concerning the disastrous decisions that occurred in 2013 and continue to worsen in the motherland, taking into consideration their enormous negative impacts on Chaldeans require us to take a courageous stand as one of the most ancient ethnic people in the world.

Undoubtedly, our Chaldean ethnic identity exceeds the limits of any religious and sectarian affiliation. Our stance has to be crystal clear because silence about these disastrous schemes and practices of both the secular and religious leaders is, definitely, an indication of the clinical death of the people’s principles, legitimacy, and morals.

Therefore, we call upon those who believe in our Chaldean national fundamental constants, and principles, and are willing to correct the disastrous path that was taken recently by some decision makers who are dictating our lives by making catastrophic decisions that are damaging our Chaldean Nation without regard for our history, heritage, and our spiritual and ethical values.

If you believe in our noble cause, then we urge you to sign the Chaldean Activists’ petition.

Our legitimate demands focus on denouncing all the catastrophic decisions that were taken based on one party’s mentality and agenda that is dictating the fate of the entire Chaldean Nation. We pledge to Chaldeans in the motherland and worldwide that we will continue to enlighten them about these vital subjects to expose all the wrongdoing and illegitimate practices that violate the Chaldeans’ rights, including what we strongly condemn here as follows:

– The name Babylon was illegitimately removed from the title of the Chaldean Catholic Church. We demand that the new religious leadership restore our historical name that goes back for hundreds of years (The church of Babylon on Chaldeans worldwide).

Babylon will always and forever remain in our hearts and minds because it is the bond between heaven and earth, one of the Seven wonders of the world and the most majestic capital of the ancient world. It is undoubtedly the pride of the Chaldeans, past and present.

– To ward off strife, besides it is wise that no one should disregard our (Chaldean) national name because any abuse of this kind is a red line that can not be crossed. Such a disgraceful act will result in enraging Chaldeans, as we will work according to the law to isolate these anti-Chaldeans from remaining in power, just as we will expose their dishonorable personal history.

– A national decision is a matter for the secularists and we know exactly who works for Chaldeans and who works for their benefits, power, and control; “Ye shall know them by their fruits”. Therefore, we assure everyone that, according to the legal standards, we will expose and help in removing such anti-Chaldeans from representing us in the secular and sectarian areas and we always keep our word.

– Finally, we certainly appreciate the blessing of the clergy and their support in their capacity as ethnic Chaldean individuals, but we can not accept their interference in steering the Chaldean Nation; “He who has an ear let him hear”, – Matthew 11:15.

This Manifest was drafted in Detroit on September 20, 2022 | The twentieth of Elul 7322 K

It is simply an attempt to erase the indigenous people’s credible status that will allow the regime to impose demographic change and steal the land and the history of the Native Chaldeans. As we move from reckoning to resolution to action, we are all extremely proud of being Chaldeans the indigenous people of Mesopotamia. We did not ask to be Chaldeans we just got lucky. We love all people and appreciate diversity, but we will never allow any negative force to wipe out us from the face of the earth. The time to act is now. Will you join us? To learn more about who the Chaldeans are and support our petition read

The Signers

Ablahad Afram Sawa, Chaldean educator, writer, and historian

Sam Yuno, Chaldean & Human Rights activist

Dr. Georges Mardo, writer, and historian

Talal Yaldo, a writer specializing in national studies

Paul Mani, Activist

Yousif Youhana, a writer specializing in Chaldean national work

Dr. Amer Hanna Fatuhi, visual artist and historian


To sign the petition visit the link below

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