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Palm Sunday Procession & Chaldean Mass celebrated by Fr. Noel Gorgis

On a beautiful sunny and joyful afternoon, the Chaldean faithful gathered with Fr. Noel Gorgis to celebrate Palm Sunday on April 09, 2017 at St. John’s Church, in El Cajon, CA, which has been rented since November 2016, for them to continue to celebrate the Divine Liturgy according to the traditional apostolic Chaldean Mass in its reformed form of 2006 (after 15 years of study). A form that was approved by the Pontiff Pope of Rome, and also by His Beatitude, the Chaldean Patriarch of Babylon, and was after implemented, only, by the Eparch of the Chaldean Diocese of St. Peter the Apostle, that being in its unique woven structure, the most closest form of liturgy to the original one established in the Chaldean Church since 2000 years ago by the two Apostles of the East, Mar Addai and Mar Mari, and (genuinely) practiced until this day.


The procession began outdoors, first, with the blessing of the olive vines that the faithful carried after they proceed toward the Palm-decorated entrance of the church, led by Father Noel Gorgis, deacons and altar servers while all were chanting the traditional Chaldean liturgical hymns accompanied by music, especially known for this glorious feast of Palm Sunday, “Oshanna – Hosanna”, as Jesus entered Jerusalem with triumph. Furthermore, Fr. Noel gave a very meaningful homily for this occasion; you can listen to it on this link:

Let’s prepare our souls and homes by joining our Lord Jesus Christ through His journey during this Holy Week of Passover, Passion and Crucifixion, in preparedness for the glorious feast of the Resurrection. Hallelujah!


Wasan Jarbo

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